5 PR plot hooks for your superhero TTRPG

5 PR plot hooks for your superhero TTRPG.

In my last entry, I told you about 4 TTRPGs that are great to play as a party of color-coded heroes; here is the link to that article if you didn't catch it. Previous article.

To complement that article, this week, I'll give you 5 common scenarios or plot hooks in these stories that can be great for your players. These are only my recommendations, and you can decide which ones to use and how you will use them. Also, I'll make sure that they are not the ones already available as episode plots on Tezca Sentai so that you have more variety. Here is a link to Tezca Sentai if you want to see the others (yay for shameless self-promotion).

1. Mind control on bystanders.

Summary: The Forces of Evil have gained a way to control the minds of innocent people; this can be using a magic spell, wacky invention, pheromones, etc. They will use it to distract or stop the heroes while their true objective is set in motion. 

Go Go Power Rangers Issue 12 pp 4

Main objective for the characters: To find out the way the Forces of Evil are controlling the people and eliminating it, also find out if there is another plan in motion and foil it.

Obstacles for the heroes:  For action focus games, the idea of having to stop mobs of people that will try to fight them or get in their way without having to hurt them or put them in more danger than the Forces of Evil can be a way to put tension on the heroes. For social focus games, having to deal with the guilt if they hurt someone, or having to decide what is more important, stopping the villain or the safety of people, you can even put a little more spice on it if the ones stopping them are the heroes' loved ones.

2. Trapping you in your favorite story.

Summary: The Forces of Evil find out that one of the heroes loves one story deeply, this can be a videogame they like, a book, a TV show, etc. They use their power to trap all the heroes inside it, twisting the story to break that character's spirit.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol 2 Issue 3 Alt cover

Main objective for the characters: To escape from their isekai-like entrapment and get back to reality, also protect this story that they like deeply if that is the case.

Obstacles for the heroes: The heroes must follow the rules and structure of the medium they are trapped in and can't break. Also, some of their power may work differently because of the same rules. For the character that loves this story, the shock of seeing this thing they love so much suddenly becomes real, and what it means to them is.

3. All your heart desires.

Summary: One of the villains shows their heroes a perfect world where they get everything they have always wanted, but with only one catch, they are no longer heroes.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Issue 108 pp 19

Main objective for the characters: To find out what changed reality and whether it is permanent. Also, what are the forces of Evil doing in this new reality?

Obstacles for the heroes: Their new status quo can be difficult to navigate, as there is a conflict between being heroes and having their own personal desires. The source of the change and how it can be reverted can be challenging to find if the Forces of Evil made it not that obvious.

4. I don't want to be evil anymore.

Summary: One of the villains decides they don't want to be evil and comes to the heroes for help.

Power Rangers Drakkon New Dawn issue 1 pp 19

Main objective for the characters:  The heroes must choose if they will help the villain or not, they also have to protect them from the Forces of Evil.

Obstacles for the heroes: The many monsters the villains will send to retrieve their "traitor" if they are really traitors. There are also inner conflicts of trust and suspicions between the heroes. It can put them against each other, whether intentional or not.

5. New power source.

Summary: The heroes lose access to their powers. This can be done through a heroic sacrifice, something that cuts the connection to their powers, or as part of a scheme of the Forces of Evil. Now, they must find a way to get them back.

Power Ranger Universe issue 3 pp 14

Main objective for the characters: To find a new power source to either give them back their previous power or completely new ones. They can either embark on an epic adventure or pass a test to gain new power.

Obstacles for the heroes: The journey or test will take them out of their comfort zone, physically or emotionally. Having to face perils without access to their power, avoid traps, and even fight monsters using only their abilities as everyday people. The test will face them with their flaws and fears.

I hope you like these plot hooks. Please let me know if you want more plot hooks like these in the comments. Some of this comes from ideas we have been developing for Tezca that we hope to release in the future (wink, wink). See you in my next entry, which will probably be something 5e-related. 

Sergio Ake
PM and Red Tezca

I am Sergio Ake, also known as Axo Red, the main writer and co-creator of Tezca Sentai. I do project managment at Axo stories, and development editing for writers

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