Sung Jinwoo, the protagonist from solo leveling

Solo Leveling in DnD: Sung Jinwoo’s Daggers

Thorough his journey in Solo Leveling, Sung Jinwoo gains many different skills and encounters many items. Undoubtedly, some of the most eye-catching items that fall into his possession are his different daggers, each of which has interesting effects perfectly suited to any fantasy campaign. With that in mind, here I present to you his first three daggers that could be categorized as magic items.

As in other entries in this series of articles, I didn't keep pigeonholed into using only the conditions present in the official DnD 2024 rules, creating instead new conditions that better reflect what Hunter Sung's weapons do in the series.

Kasaka's Venom Fang

Sung Jinwoo obtains this dagger after defeating the blue venom-fanged kasaka, the dungeon boss of the first system-generated dungeon he encounters. I have already made an article providing its stat block, you can find it here.

For the dagger that uses its venom, I'll be using the modified version of the Paralyzed condition I presented there and a new condition, Bleeding.

Bleeding (Solo Leveling, Condition)

Bleeding Levels. This condition is cumulative. Each time you receive it, you gain 1 Bleeding level up to a maximum of level 5.

Overtime Damage. At the begining of you turn, you take damage equal your Bleeding level.

So, the item's stat block is the following.

Kasaka's Venom Fang

Weapon (Dagger), Rare

A dagger made from a kasaka's venom fang. Kasaka's venom still remain within it, causing paralyzation and bleeding when used upon an opponent.

You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. When an attack using this weapon hits a creature, you can take a Bonus Action to inject the kasaka's venom. The creature mus succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or have the Paralyzed and Bleeding coditions.

Knight Killer

A pretty straightforward weapon, the knight killer is a dagger Sun Jinwoo buys from the System Shop when he ends up in the Penalty Zone during his Job Change Quest. As its name suggests, it deals additional damage to armored enemies.

Knight Killer

Weapon (Dagger), Very Rare

You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. The weapon deals an extra 3d6 damage of the weapon's type if the target is wearing heavy armor.

Since the monster stat blocks of DnD 2024 don't always specify if the creature is wearing heavy armor, using this one requires interpretation on part of both the players and DM. The effect should apply to things like animated armors, death knights, and the like. 

Baruka's Dagger

Sun Jinwoo acquires this dagger after defeating Baruka, leader of the ice elves he and the party of the White Tiger Guild find inside the Red Gate Dungeon.

Baruka's Dagger

Weapon (Dagger), Legendary (Requires Attunement)

This dagger was once used by Warlord Baruka. This weapon is infused with magic that reduces the weight of its wielder, allowing for greater agility.

You gain a +3 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. While wielding this dagger, your speed increases by 10 feet. In addition, you can make an attack using this weapon as a Bonus Action.

There they are, three of the coolest weapons of any animated media. However, this is NOT a hill in which I would die, so tell me what other cool weapons from Solo Leveling or other anime, manga, manhwa, manhua, comic, or show you would like me to adapt for the most famous roleplaying game of all time. In the meantime, I'll start thinking about my next entry in this series. ¿Maybe a class? Then again, encompassing the powers of Jinwoo in a reasonably balanced class may be a bit difficult. We'll see.

Jaime Reyes Mondragon

I'm a Mexican game designer, writer, and editor focused on tabletop games, especially role-playing games. I'm also an undergraduate physicist and aspiring novelist. I'm passionate about creating new worlds, stories, and engaging game mechanics.

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