The heros of Ollitla an Aztec inspired D&D 5e setting
In todays article about making an Aztec inspired Dungeons and Dragons Setting for 5e. Most Dungeons and Dragons fans are players (sorry, to the designated DMs out there), and most players begin by imagining what kind of characters they can make to inspire an adventure. Characters begin, of course, with what class you choose to play. In Ollitla, you can be a Fighter, Bard, Wizard, and all the other classic 5e classes, along with a plethora of new subclasses unique to the world (but ones you’re more than free to use in any setting). Let’s explore the breakdown of the 12 base classes and discuss their specialties and inspirations behind Olltla’s 24 new subclasses, starting with Barbarian, Bard, and Cleric.
- Path of Disasters: Mexico is a land rich in volcanoes, which are the source of the abundant and valuable volcanic glass known as obsidian. As a result, disasters such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and other awesome forces of nature were a source of awe and fear for the Aztecs. This made it easy to imagine a Barbarian, who already are seen as dreadful forces of wrath, that embodies and wields these same forces.
- Path of the Sun’s Fury: The sun and its blessings was one of the foremost objects of worship in Aztec culture. The god of the sun, Huitzilopochtli, was also seen as the god of war, and was a model for warriors throughout the land. A Barbarian that not only reveres but harnesses the awesome power of the sun was too good an idea to pass up.

- College of Colors: Aztec art is a wonder to behold, not only its exquisite stonework and craftsmanship but the brilliant paintings, murals, and body paint that was common to see amongst warriors and noblewomen alike. It was always odd that Bards only seemed to focus their arts on music, and we found an amazing niche to fill with a subclass that brings art and paints to life.
- College of Poetry: A strange misconception I grew up hearing in school was that the Aztecs were more focused on warfare while the Mayans were more intellectual and focused on arts and science when in reality ,both cultures were versed in both fields. Poetry was a great aspect of Aztec culture, and we even have surviving poems by the famous poet-ruler Nezahualcóyotl. As with visual arts, having a Bard who embodies and wields the astonishing and moving forces of poetry was a guaranteed choice.

- Harvest Domain: Agriculture and crops were a crucial aspect of worship in Aztec culture, perhaps best embodied by the god Xipe Totec, who represented the peeling of the corn and the cycle of growth and renewal. As there was no specific Cleric domain for a priest that oversees the growth of crops and fields and helps ensure good harvests, this was another obvious niche we were happy to fill.
- Water Domain: Tlaloc is the Aztec god of water and rain, which also represented fertility and life. Water and rain are a necessity for agriculture, while their fury can also lead to floods or storms. While there is a Tempest Domain in 5e Dungeons and Dragons, a domain that focuses on the life-giving aspects of water itself lends itself well to this idea.

Ollitla brings fresh, Aztec-inspired depth to D&D 5e, offering unique subclasses that enrich roleplaying with history, mythology, and vibrant new mechanics. Whether you're drawn to the primal wrath of the Path of Disasters, the artistic magic of the College of Colors, or the divine blessings of the Harvest Domain, these options add exciting new layers to your adventures.This is just the beginning! Stay tuned as we explore more subclasses, lore, and gameplay ideas from the world of Ollitla. Subscribe now to get the latest updates, exclusive content, and deep dives into our expanding universe!