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Learn about Xeno - Invasion, A Reverse Horror TTRPG

A minmalist Reverse Horro RPG with a hardcover example

What is Xeno

XENO is a minimalist RPG in which you take the role of a XENO, an Alien lifeform that serves MOTHER. You are sent to Earth to atone for your sins and conquer them in the name of your creator. The game is designed for 2 to 5 players, including the Alien Master, who can enjoy one-shots where they hunt humans, fight demons, and fulfill MOTHER's objectives.  

You would like Xeno if you:

  • Want to play as the Xenomorph from Alien
  • Want to play as the Thing from The Thing
  • Want to hunt creatures inside spaceships or facilities
  • Like SCP foundation and wnat a game where you play as a Keter object
  • Want quick fast rules for maximum destruction
The basic rules of Xeno

Xeno Features

Xeno’s system revolves around fast, brutal, and deadly battles in which the Xenos take down large numbers of enemies. The system has: 

  • Fast, brutal, and deadly battles in which the XENOs take down large numbers of enemies
  • Unique abilities and mutations for each kind of XENO
  • Unique hit point system to endure the hoards of humans coming your way
  • Beautiful illustrations for each kind of XENO
  • Tables for missions
  • A vigilant organization that knows you are coming
  • Interdimensional demons
Quotes on the game

Your XENO has fourAttributes: Agility, Muscle, Psychic, and Brain. Caligaes’ XENO Invasion uses small numbers for big things. Your Attributes rank from 0 to 3, and modify theTESTS andATTACKS of your XENO. A rank 0 Attribute represents an average human, while Rank 3 is beyond human understanding.
After choosing your Archetype, you get a number of SURVIVAL POINTS, your size, one power to attack your VICTIMS, one special ability for non-combat situations, and your X ABILITY, which can turn the tide of battle in your favor.

Quasi xenos flaoting

Each XENO type has different physical characteristics or attributes. A BONE XENO is a small XENO that can be a mutant worm, a crab-scorpion hybrid, a burrowing land squid, or anything you can imagine. Each XENO option has tables that let you create your own otherworldly form to consume Earth. 

Mock up of the creature

Depending on the severity of your SINS, MOTHER may ask you to complete one or more OBJECTIVES on your mission. If you are playing XENO as a one-shot you only need one OBJECTIVE, but in a long-form campaign, you may even evolve in order to fulfill HER demands.

mockup of the boopk

Standing between you and your OBJECTIVE is the NEMESIS. Factions that inhabit the world and oppose MOTHER. Ranging from human resistance, mutant killers, and Demons entering the dimension. Each Nemesis has its own unique faction mechanics, and its emblematic victims (bestiary and NPCs) are ready to face your XENOs. Each nemesis table can be mixed and matched to create specific missions or situations. You can fight a group of Z-KOM operatives that are using Council technology to help the Red Path demons overcome Earth.

Enemies of Xeno

When is Xeno coming to Earth?

Want to stay updated on the progress of XENO? Follow us for the latest news, development updates, and behind-the-scenes content as we bring this alien-infested world to life. We’re regularly publishing new material—like the deadly Z-KOM operatives, new Nemesis factions, and Mothership-compatible creatures and modules—to expand your missions and deepen the invasion.

If you’d like early access and want to support the project directly, consider joining us on Patreon, where our community gets first looks, exclusive content, and development insights.

You can also subscribe to our mailing list below to receive regular updates, sneak peeks, and fresh drops straight to your inbox. Your support helps us keep growing the world of XENO—one mutation at a time.4o

Rafael Araujo
Xeno Author, game designer

Rafael Ricardo Araujo Bastarrachea also known as Caligaes, is a Mexican author with a full telenovela name. He likes aliens, RPGs, and tiramisu

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